
To run Open-BPMN in Visual Studio Code you can install the Open BPMN Extension. Just go to ‘Extensions’ and search for ‘Open-BPMN’

Open-BPMN for VS-Code is based on JDK 17. Make sure that you have installed Visual Studio Code and Java version 17 or a higher

To install Java 17 or a higher version, you can download it from the Microsoft Download Page or you can install it from your operating system’s package manager. If you have any questions you will find help in the Open-BPMN Discussion Forum.

Compare .bpmn files with Text-Diff Editor

To compare different versions of .bpmn files in the text-diff editor of VS-Code, you can overwrite the editorAssociations in the workbench settings.

  1. Open Settings ( Ctrl + , ) and search for editorAssociations
  2. You will see the .bpmn associations where you can add a new option for Git:’
Item = {git,gitlens}:/**/*.{bpmn,bpmn2}
Value = default

Now BPMN files will always be opened in a git file compare with text editor per default